So in Japan, the meal is all about presentation. And if I do say so myself, I did a pretty good job tonight with our presentation and meal. I bought some fish and used the itty bitty fish grill/oven, made a salad with avocado and almonds, steamed some green beans, and had the traditional rice and miso soup as well. The fish is always an experiment because I typically do not know what I am buying. I always buy salmon because I know we like it. Then I pick something we have not had yet. Last week Kan was not crazy about my second fish selection. This week he liked it. We also had some wonderful strawberries for dessert. Miyako's meal looked a little bit different. She had rice with ham and peas. She will not eat green beans and the only way she eats the fish is when I hide it in the rice. So, she had a little bit of fish. Oh, and she ate nearly half the container of strawberries it seems like. She LOVES strawberries. So, enjoy the picture of our tasty meal. I cannot do the whole presentation thing every night as my house was a mess. While I was working on this tasty meal it seems like every toy made it onto the floor somehow. But it is worth it every couple of nights. I was so proud of myself, I even took a picture.
On a fun Miyako note, we went to her 18 month check up today. It was quite an adventure. I took the JR line by myself and my total trip time to the doctor and back, including the visit, was almost 4 hours. Much different than the ten minute drive to A Caring Touch Pediatrics I had back in Lexington. But, I was very proud of myself for finding it without Kan, asking people to help me, and lifting the stroller up by myself on more than one occasion. Miyako is happy and healthy, well happy most of the time. She weighs 25.8 pounds and is 30.5 inches long. I asked the doctor to convert for me as he gave me her measurements in kilograms and centimeters. How I wish my kilogram scale was my actual pound weight. :)
Tonight she did the cutest thing. When Kan came home she wanted him to take her to our front yard. We call the hallway on our floor the front yard and our balcony the back yard. She LOVES to push her play stroller with a dog in it (not a baby as she is half Japanese and they do push their dogs in strollers here) around the hallway. We told her it was too late to go outside, as it was nearing 8PM and bed time, but she still walked to the entry way of the apartment. She wanted to play with DaDa since he had just gotten home from work. He sat down in the entry way and she came and took his UT slippers off his feet, put them at the front of the door where we keep them so we can easily put them on when we enter, and then took him his dress shoes from the day. Basically she was telling him, "Put your shoes on and take me outside." After doing that, how could he resist? What a smart little girl. She even lined the slippers up the correct way at the entry way. Amazing. So, I told her she could go and play for 15 minutes while I cleaned the bathroom (it only takes me 15 minutes - I really do clean it, but it is just not that big - makes a difference with only one sink verses the his and her sinks back home). By 8:30, our little girl crashed! And now, I am ready to as well, but not before I watch American Idol. Don't tell me! I am guessing it is Casey James to take the boot. I was pulling for Crystal but I am now becoming a Lee fan. I know, I am crazy. I am more into AI here in Tokyo than I ever was in America.
Good night all.
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