Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Progress with Nena

Thursday is our "Nena" morning where our babysitter comes to be with Miyako while I go to Japanese class. I expressed concern to some of you when we first started using Nena because Miyako had a horrible time when I left. She cried and cried and Nena had to keep her outside most of the time because every time she came inside she would look for me and say "mama, mama." I knew if I just gave it time, she would get more comfortable and used to Nena, but it still pulled at my heart strings. I never once felt uncomfortable with Nena. She is a wonderful sitter and we are so glad to have found her in such a large city with our nearest family about 3 hours away. But when we first started, I really wondered if it was going to work simply because Miyako had such a hard time.

I am proud to say we stuck with it, both Nena and I, and for the past several weeks Miyako has not even whimpered at me leaving. In fact, Nena comes in, and Miyako easily goes to her and is comfortable with her. My MIL told me it would be hard that first time Miyako easily goes to Nena, and she was was a bit hard. My heart thought "she does not miss me or need me." However, that quiet voice from the Lord reminded me that this is what He intended with children. They take little milestones on their way to independence and freedom. Obviously Miyako is not completely there yet. Who are we kidding. She is only 20 months old. But it is God's divine plan for the children to grow up and leave home and embark on their own journey.

The question for me is what kind of woman of God are we training to go out into the world at age 18 and tackle whatever life may bring her? What kind of character am I exemplifying to her on a daily basis? Do I point her to Christ? Do I serve our family well, without complaint, so that she one day will serve others well? Do I love her father well in front of her? Pretty heavy stuff for just some progress with Nena. And I might I add, very convicting as I do not always love and serve well. God has given us this gift, and what a sweet gift she is, and one day she will be her own independent person who I trust will make a difference in this world. It is good that she is comfortable with Nena, and it will be good one day when she leaves our nest and goes to college. It will be good one day when she walks down that aisle and commits herself to her own family. Is it it is good and it is how God intended it to be.


alvarezjedi said...

It breaks my heart to know Miyako is crying! You are doing a fabulous job with her and please remember that this is all part of growing up. I wish I could come visit and feed her like we did in KY. Do you remember?, I didn't so I had to watch our video this morning. This video made me
smile (it's posted on your Facebook page). Love you guys, God bless.

Kim Tramel said...

I enjoyed your wisdom