Every where you turn, Miyako is beginning to look a lot like a big girl. Last weekend she took a trip with Daddy to Ikea to buy her big girl bed. She wanted some Valentine sheets, but Kan thought they were a bit much, so he convinced her to get these cute animal sheets that will look better with Kei's blue crib once they share a room (which she says she is not doing, but she is not the boss). She even helped daddy put together the big girl bed while Mama and Kei went to a baby shower. However, the big girl bed sat in our living room for a week. This past Sunday, we acted as if we were on HGTV, and moved furniture around so that her big girl bed could actually fit in her room. How did we do this with a two year old and a 6 week old? Thankfully the 6 week old actually took a nap in his bed for about a hour and Miyako sat in her crib with lots of books to read while Mama and Daddy worked. Kan also put together a new shelf/toy organizer and we moved most of the toys to the office so that we could make room for two beds and not just one. After all of this hard work, where did she sleep Sunday night? In her crib! However, last night she slept in her big girl bed and did fabulous! We explained that she has to ask for mama or Daddy to get out of bed and she just cannot get out whenever she wants to. When Kan went to retrieve her this morning I heard her on the monitor say, "May I get out now?" Tonight though, we are back to the crib. Not sure when you are supposed to make them stay in the big girl bed. Any parenting thoughts out there in cyberspace on that one? The Little Man is still sleeping in a pack and play in the hall way and will not share a room until he can sleep through the night without disturbing his sister.
Miyako is also making great steps in the potty department. Some have asked what I have done, and to be honest, not much of anything. For about 6 months now we have been reading potty books and I would ask her if she wanted to use the potty and she would always say no. I never forced her. But, we read potty books ALL THE TIME! Shortly before we had Kei, she decided she wanted to use the potty. I thought to myself, "Great...like I have time for this right now." But she still was not aware of when she needed to go. She would literally sit on her potty for about 30 minutes and never go, so I just let her play with it. She went once or twice before we had Kei and got a treat. Well, the treats are motivating factors right now. Last night she actually told us she needed to go potty, so we rushed her to the potty and she went. In fact, she went four times last night. Tonight, it was the same thing. She is able to tell us when she needs to go, but she chooses to do it more at night than during the day. Again, this is fine with me as I really do not have the time to really "train" her when I spend half of my hours breastfeeding, burping or trying to get Little Man to take a nap. If she has to go poopie while on the potty, she wants her diaper put on. I am trying to be relaxed with it as I do not want to stress myself out more right now. Maybe we could tackle it in a week of staying home and doing nothing else, but for now, this will have to do. I am so proud of her. She is growing up so quickly.
I spend a lot of my days, in my mind at least, complaining to myself "why can't he nap in his bed? why does she talk back to me already at age 2.5? why can't I go to the bathroom by myself? will I ever get time to myself again?" And then I get a second email from a second friend today whose sweet little boy has been diagnosed with leukemia and God really grabs my heart. You read that correctly - within the past month, two of my friends have had children diagnosed with leukemia. It breaks my heart. And then I really get upset with myself when I think about how frustrated I can get with my kids during the day. Children really are a blessing from the Lord. And not everyone can have kids or they are going through much more difficult circumstances than I am. I pray I can be mindful of this and count my blessings even in the most "frustrating" of days and remember to pray for those who are suffering much more than I am and fighting for their kids.
Tough emails to read for you today. Wow, really puts things in perspective, huh?
On another happy note, I love the 2x4 cubes you have from IKEA! We have 3 sets and LOVE them. I also recognize the mushroom house and Little People Farm - fun toys. Miyako in her crib with the books is hilarious.
I would advise breaking her crib down now. Make her stay in her big girl bed - cold turkey. It's a proper transition and you need the space, anyway.
You continue to do great, Mama! Proud potty big girl and it seems like your days might be getting into a routine now. Yea for all of that!!
Oh, just thought that you might be thinking that you don't want to break the crib down because Kei will be sleeping in there someday. But as long as it is put together, Miyako will want to get in there. If you break it down and tell her that you are saving it for when Kei gets bigger, then when you put it back up it can be like a present with a big bow from Miyako to Kei! A happy big-ger boy bed for her little brother. Just a thought.
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