Thursday, August 25, 2011

Hurricane Irene

You know how when you go through something really hard and someone says something to the effect of, "One day God will use this situation for you to help or encourage someone else." You look at that person and think to yourself, "Shut up. I do not want to help someone else if it means I can avoid the current problem at hand." But then down the road you find yourself being a source of encouragement to someone else and you are grateful that you have been there, done that, and can help someone else along. This is where I find myself right now with Hurricane Irene.

One of my best friends is currently living in the Bahamas. She was able to escape the storm through a missionary charter service with her three little ones; however, her husband remains behind to ride out the storm and shepherd the church congregation God has provided for them at this time in their ministry. As I have been emailing with her through this process (do we stay or do we go? how do we do life in the US for this time?) God has brought me to a place where I can actually thank Him for our earthquake experience. I would have never been able to help my friend walk through this with full understanding had I not gone through the March 11th earthquake here in Japan. Sure, I could have given her my opinion on what I would do, but I would not have really known what she is going through - the emotions of confronting a natural disaster and the mental anguish it puts on you as you try to do what is best for your family. In a way, walking through this with her has been very therapeutic for me. I survived the biggest earthquake in the history of Japan on the 48th floor of an apartment building at 33 weeks preggers and with a two year old. How did I survive? Well, God took care of me. There is no other answer but that. It was not of my own will and strength because going through something of that magnitude takes all of your strength away. The simple truth is that He took care of me.

Dear friends in the Bahamas, I know He will take care of you too. Thank you for letting me walk along side you with this difficult situation as it has helped me come full circle in this truth. Praying for His protection over your family.


Sally said...

If I recall correctly, Kan was out of town when the earthquake hit and he had quite the time trying to get back to your apt. Ugh.

Glad you can be there for your friends in a way that most of us can't.

Will keep your friends - and everyone being effected - in my prayers.

Kim F. said...

Thank you, friend. Thank you.