Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sickos, Sickos and More Sickos...

I have been MIA lately and it is because we have been sick, for a week, and it is driving me CRAZY! A week ago Monday little M came down with a fever and I thought to myself "oh no, here we go," but on Tuesday she was her perky self and I thought "YAY!" Then on Wednesday, Mama started to feel a bit achy and a slight sore throat. I bought some OJ and started drinking vitamin C out the ying yang only to wake up Thursday morning barely able to move. Thankfully it was Thursday, Nena, and she saved the day. She even stayed an extra hour as I needed one more nap to get through the evening of single parenting. Nena took one look at me and said "Mam, you must get tested for flu." And I thought to myself "I can barely walk to the bathroom much less travel one hour for a flu test in the cold wet miserable weather." That is when my Dutch friend, Ms. E, comes to the rescue and translates for me at the little clinic next to our building. I did not even have to go outside. I got my flu test and it came back negative. The doctor gave me medicine and I thought I am well on my way to full recovery.

Somehow I survive getting dinner and the kids to bed on Thursday and find myself Friday even worse than Thursday. I really could not get out of bed and I could not talk. I had no idea how I was going to do my job. Nena could not save the day because she works for another family on Fridays. But my friend from BSF could. She came over at noon and stayed until 8 when Kan got home and could help me get the kids to bed. Now at this point the K Man was starting to have a bad runny nose and a slight fever. I thought he was teething but was not sure. We were in for a fun weekend, huh?

Saturday morning, I am not getting any better y'all. And it is killing me! I cannot do anything. It is so humbling and so frustrating at the same time. The K Man is getting worse, so we drag our family back to the clinic downstairs. Again, I come up with a negative flu test, but the K Man...he is positive for the flu. Poor guy. So the doctor gives all of us medicine. He wanted to help prevent it in Miyako and Kan and he wanted the K Man and I to get better. We push through Saturday.

I wake up Sunday expecting some relief and not finding much. I can actually move around on Sunday, enough to hang laundry and do dishes. But my throat feels like it is on fire. Then, Miyako starts screaming - "My ear hurts, my ear hurts." Could it get worse? Kan takes her to the local ER and she gets 2 days worth of ear medicine, which means I have to take her back to the clinic downstairs on Tuesday to get 3 more days worth of ear medicine. After five days I have to take her to an ENT to make sure her infection is clear. Thankfully we found out through so many visits to the clinic that they have an English speaking nurse (YAY!) but she is leaving on March 31st (BOO!).

A week has passed and we are all on the upswing. The K Man is slowly back to his smiley chipper self. I feel physically fine but still have a slight cough and sore throat. M does not complain of anything. And papa, he did not get any of it, but he may come home tonight with something considering he has been out all day in the cold, wet snow. I snowed today in Tokyo. M desperately wanted to go play in it and build a snow man but I simply could not risk taking the K Man out in it and having a relapse. We have to be better for our flight to paradise on March 9th as we head to Hawaii!

So, this is where I have been...locked up in the apartment, quarantined, begging God to relieve us of these illnesses before we vacation. I feel like the little engine that could telling myself, "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can."

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