Friday, January 9, 2015

Potty Training Number 2

This little cutie pie is potty trained, at least during the day time. Knock on wood I have had it fairly easy with potty training. With Miss M, she showed interest at 2.5 when we brought little bro home from the hospital. Conveniently every time I went to nurse the baby she had to go potty. I did not want to discourage it but it was rather a nuisance. It lasted about 2 weeks and she was back to diapers. A month before her third birthday we told her she would wear underwear when she turned three. Sure enough, after her third birthday party, she came home, put on underwear, had a few accidents and was potty trained. The night time training took a bit longer but that did not bother me so much. With the K Man, I had no interest in doing it when he turned three because we were heading to fly to America for the summer. I just did not want to have to deal with potential mess. So, around November, we started telling him that on Christmas Day he would put on underwear. He fought it on Christmas Day and finally put it on around 1PM. We had several accidents that day and a few more the next day, so we told him when he went out he could wear a diaper. However, after a few days, we saw he wanted to go potty even when we were out. Now, today on January 8th, he is potty trained during the day and doing fabulous. We have been out in underwear four days now and have not had one accident. Before I had kids I said I would potty train at age child needs to be in diapers after 2. Well, I am here to attest that I was wrong. Some kids are ready at age 2, but my experience has been waiting until 3 and 3.5 has been well worth it. I would much rather potty train in a few days and be done with it than do it earlier, try to force it, and have accidents all the time. I am thankful that I will have a few weeks of no day time diapers before baby 3 comes to greet us. I am also thankful that I learned my lesson - each child is different, each parent is different, and there is no reason to make major generalizations about such big issues like potty training, especially before you try it. Now, if I could only make him grow a few inches so when he stands on the stool, he is tall enough to hit the big bowl. Right now, we sit for the sake of cleanliness. Another milestone - he got his hair cut today and for the first time wore the cape and did not pitch a fit or make me hold him while he squirmed away from the scissors. He also requested to watch Frozen in Japanese. Hilarious. He is by far one of the cutest three year old boys I know. 

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