Saturday, March 14, 2015

Scrapbook Day 03/15/2015

Today is a Sunday. The Big Kids are off to church with Daddy and mama got her first nap with J Man on my chest this afternoon. It was a really sweet moment. We have been home now almost a week. On Friday I learned I no longer have to give myself the injections which is really nice. I will need to stay on the oral blood thinner for about 3 to 6 months but I can swallow a myself shots is not so much fun. So, I was glad to hear that my blood levels are recovering a bit. I also no longer have to wear the white compression socks! Slowly but surely we will get back to normal. I am still staying fairly homebound and our nanny is helping take the kids to their activities and such. My legs are not near as swollen as they once were, with the left one being completely back to normal and the right one almost there. Tonight after church we plan to fellowship with some dear friends, one of whom is visiting from the Netherlands. I have enjoyed the visitors that have come to drop off meals and such. At times it can be tiring, but to be around Christians is a big help as it keeps your mind focused on what is important. One friend came on Friday and we discussed loads about homeschool! I have had gentle reminders from friends to not rush the healing process. On Thursday, my friend drove me to the doctor and that simply activity of walking to the car, to the office, back to the car and back to my home wiped me out for the day. I am hoping that each week I see a bit more progress in terms of my physical healing and strength. J Man is sleeping fairly well. He gets fussy between 8-11PM, which is typical for his age, and he wants to be held a lot during this time, but he is sleeping until about 4AM or so and then again 7-8, so I am getting some solid 4-5 hour stretches of sleep at one time. Miss M loves him and she wants to hold him a lot and carry him to his bed! AGH! The K Man is not quite so taken with him, but he is also not opposed to him so I guess that is typical. He does want to hold his little brother at times, but after a few minutes he is finished. One of the best parts of this whole process is the big kids have been exposed to lots of different foods from people bringing different gifts. They are eating lots of veggies that they did not eat before and will try different things and eat them, even if they do not "like" it. The meals have been delicious and I will have to maintain this variety once I am back to cooking for our family. Well, my time to myself is limited today before everyone is home from church, so I am going to sit with a cup of tea and read before J Man is up to eat and the big kids are home from church. 

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