Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

Like the past couple of years we celebrated Thanksgiving twice! I cooked on actual Thanksgiving for our family and we invited a few single friends from church to join us. On Saturday we had Thanksgiving with our Community Group at church. It was a lot of fun. The only problem is that my oven broke on me with the turkey half way cooked. I guess after almost 6 years it had enough. Super man husband went and got me a new one and I was able to finish cooking it. Turns out we did not even need it so now we have lots of turkey meat to eat on this week. I am thankful for the community of fabulous people we have been surrounded with here in Tokyo. Since I do not have any pictures of Thanksgiving, I will post the following: Miss M's first sculpture from art class. It is titled "Thinking Mama." 

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