Thursday, July 28, 2016

First Day of School

We started our third year of Sakura Homeschool yesterday! Miss M is in second grade and the K man is in kindergarten. When I came in from my run they were both up and ready to start school. Their excitement was contagious and we had a great day. For the K man we are focusing on the basics of math, reading, and handwriting. For Miss M we do a bit more- we do reading/phonics, writing, grammar, math, spelling and we alternate between science and social studies. They will do a co op one day a week with the Boulder Valley Public Schools that does science, music, art and drama for homeschool kids. There are loads of options in Colorado for schools as they have open enrollment. You can go anywhere in the state if you are willing to drive. We will use this year to homeschool, settle into life here, and research our options before making a decision for next year. 

1 comment:

aimee d said...

I met a friend here in our co-op that came from CO and she was telling me about all the options you had for schooling there. Her kids went to a "cottage" school a few days a week and she homeschooled the rest. It was crazy. Almost makes me want to move to Colorado just for that!