Today I had an appointment at the US Embassy to get my absentee ballot request form notarized. I figure since there is so much talk around these November elections, I better make sure I can vote. I remember when I lived in Belarus for the 2000 Presidential elections, I did not get my absentee form completed in time and was unable to vote. I vowed at that time never to let that happen again. Well, I am living abroad again and election time is right around the corner, so I am hoping I am ahead of schedule and will not get denied. Miyako sported her July 4th ensemble to the embassy today - nothing like a proud American floating around Tokyo - and off we went. After going through security we were waiting in line with lots of bi-racial couples, which I do realize I fit into this category. I think I was simply surprised as I expected to be waiting in line with mostly Americans. It was a rather eclectic group of people which I guess represents our melting pot nation well. The man who notarized my document loved Miyako's outfit! And he gave her a stamp for her "folder" that she handed him when we got to the window. I think she thought he would put Mama's papers back in the folder but instead he gave her a piece of paper with a stamp on it that said "Indefinite." Now my document is notarized, it will be put in the mail tomorrow to the Fayette County Clerk in Lexington, Kentucky, and hopefully come November I will be able to partake in the elections. Now it is research time to see who is running! I feel so out of the loop so I need to do my homework to make an informed decision.
Oh, and here is a funny Miyako thing that happened today. The exit I had to take to get to the guessed did not have an elevator, so I picked up the stroller and climbed up the 15 stairs until we got to the escalator to take us to the ground level. Now, in the big design of things, if you make escalators for one portion to take you to ground level, why not make them the entire trip? Oh well. Anyways, when we got home, Miyako got her play stroller, with her dog in it, wrapped her arms around it and with a grunt tried to pick it up. Believe it or not, the girl is strong and she could pick it up. The funny part was her little grunt as she did so. Kan was working from home and asked if I had to pick up the stroller today! Sure enough I did. She is mimicking everything! Scary thought huh?
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