Tuesday, September 21, 2010


I have been a bit MIA lately from the blog...no reason really, just did not have much to share. We have been doing regular routine life which some may find not all that interesting to read about. :) Kan made it safely home from the US this past Friday. He is still recovering from the jet lag but seems to be adjusting. It was fun to receive all kinds of goodies he shipped back to us from the US. It felt like Christmas. We got everything from skyline chili, to new Gerber sippy cups, to lots of fun books for Miyako and myself, and he even sent back three boxes of milk duds upon my request. The only problem was the milk duds melted and stuck together in the shipment so they were no good. I think I will have my mom pick up a box in the airport on Thursday when they head over here to see us.

Yes, my parents arrive here on Friday evening! We are all super excited to see them. It should be a fun nine days for Miyako with Grandma and Papaw. They do not have tons of sight-seeing activities they want to do - they simply want to do fun things that Miyako will enjoy. Nap times will not be interrupted because my dad takes afternoon siestas as well. :) We are going to go back to Disneyland and Disney Sea which I know Miyako will love. And probably hit lots of local parks or gardens, hopefully enjoy some cooler weather, and eat at lots of yummy restaurants.

Today I went to BSF - Bible Study Fellowship - and was amazed to learn that 139 women are registered in the morning study with 30 children in the kids' program. As you know, there are not many Christians in Japan so I was really encouraged to hear these numbers. I am so thankful for BSF here in Tokyo. We are studying Isaiah this year which is quite challenging. My small group is a good mix of foreign women and Japanese women. Miyako LOVES the nursery this year. She cried the first week for about 10 minutes, but today when I left her, she immediately went to play with Anpanman and was fine. I am so glad she is happy there this year, learning Bible stories at such a young age, and I am also thankful for the two hours I have in fellowship with other believers without the distraction of an almost two year old.

Well, I am sure over the next two weeks I will have lots of fun pictures to share of Grandma and Papaw's visit. Until then...


Dana Woods Poynter said...

Enjoy the visit with your parents! I know you must be excited :-)

mel said...

Glad to see you back! I've been looking for the pumpkin spice flavored creamers and can't find ANY - I think maybe the choices have been pared down with the economy the way it is.

Always glad to see you on the blog, I LOVE to hear about your "boring life" because it really is NOT boring! You are in a foreign country and if you have any thoughts about that being boring, then you truly are settled in. ;)
Glad to hear that Kan made it back safely.