It is the monthly scrapbook day. I should be sleeping while Miyako "naps" (aka, sings to herself) and Kei just looks around, but after being pooped on, spit up on, and everything else under the sun, I thought I would take some time and blog. Blogging puts things into perspective doesn't it. I guess Kei thought I needed something to blog about, and here it is... little boys are a lot messier than little girls. I remember Miyako peeing on me often when she was itty bitty, but it did not shoot up everywhere and projectile itself across the room onto walls. Good thing we rent huh? I guess the large deposit will not be coming back to the Kawashima clan. Thankfully, Nena was here and she was doing some cleaning for me, so Kei gave her a little extra work. As soon as I changed him and myself, I put him down in the pack and play and got everything into the laundry. Not fifteen minutes later when I came to check on him, he had spit up all over his crib sheet and clothes. Such is life I guess. I just forgot about all of this "stuff" in the last 2 and a half years.
Nena came today. I was going to send her out with Miyako so I could get some sleep but decided Miyako needed some mama time. So, while Nena stayed with Kei and cleaned the house a bit, Miyako and I went to the mall next door. She got to have a treat, a McD's ice cream cone, and we had a great time together just going to the grocery store. The little man we buy our vegetables from was surprised to see me without a large belly. They want me to bring the baby down to meet them. Miyako is slowly adjusting. She wants to help Mama a lot by getting a diaper or simply checking on Kei. But she has only held him once for about 10 seconds. She said she did not like it. She says things like "Daddy feed him" at night when Kan is home. She does not understand why daddy cannot feed the baby and Mama hold Miyako. But at least she is not asking for him to leave yet. I am sure that day will come soon enough. :)
Kan and I are in survival mode, but trying to see how God can use this to show us His grace and strength in new ways. Kan has been a bit busier with work this week than we anticipated, but with the help of Nena and the body of Christ, I am doing well. I have a hard time relaxing during the day. My friend took Miyako all morning yesterday and I thought I would get some sleep. No, instead, I got the baby blues and cried. But at least I could let it out with Miyako at a play date rather than her seeing me. More than anything I found myself lonely yesterday, and when my friend brought Miyako back she came with some cookies and spare time to chat, which was just lovely. Today, another friend from church is bringing me Starbuck's and coming to hang out. Tomorrow, another friend is coming over to cook us dinner and hang out. These little tidbits of love make the days better when you are sleep deprived and a bit "hormonal."
Sweet Kei, he is a sweet baby boy. He cries when he has a dirty diaper or hungry. Not too shabby. He is content laying in his pack and play and just looking around. He seems "easier" than Miyako but it could be because he is our second child so we know what to look for - is he hungry, tired or gassy? I think he looks a lot like Kan. His eyes are smaller than Miyako's were at birth. He has less hair than she did also. And he is a big boy. After one week, he was almost back to his birth weight. The midwife was very impressed. She told me I looked a bit pale and was concerned my iron was low. :) So last night Kan made us big steaks. Kei is 8 days old now. In some ways it feels like he has been around forever...I think that is just my lack of sleep talking. As hard as it is, it is fun having a little baby around. Oh, and for those of you who are wondering, you pronounce his name like the letter "k." Well, little guy is hungry so I better go. Here is our first family pic as a family of four (ignore my appearance) and a shot of Kei today hanging out while I type this. There is also a shot of what Miyako and I have been doing a lot of lately - watching Easter Beagle and feeding Kei.
Survive is ALL you have to do. I totally know what you are going through... just take it easy on yourself. Let yourself cry! Let yourself be insanely in love with your kids, and the next minute, let yourself feel something entirely different. You are doing a great job, Shari. Just remember to laugh when Kei pees. :) And for goodness sake, cover it up! Never leave it unattended! ;)
You are making memories Shari. It's the bitter moments that make the good ones taste so sweet! I wish I could come and hang out with you, have a cup of coffee and help you fold laundry. Have peace knowing you have your priorities right! God bless, Jen
You will survive these first few months! I'm glad you have friends coming by. So important, especially when you're living overseas far from family. You're doing a great job! Keep laughing and remember that some of the most difficult moments (feedings through the night, getting peed on, etc.), will be some of your fondest and funniest memories later on! I'd love to bring you Starbucks and chat! Know I'm praying for you!
You're doing great, mama! Sweet girl will adjust in no time to baby brother's prescence. Try to get some rest!
I think you are doing a great job! Wow! I am so happy your church family is taking care of you. How encouraging. I wish I could bring you a meal. I have had two boys and I think they are WAY easier than the girl. I suppose it's all what you get initiated in to. :) Once my dad was watching me change Carter's diaper and he shot it OVER my dad's head. He smiled and said "Nothing wrong with that one's kidneys!" I just always laughed and thought it was hilarious. It gets to where you are alert and cautious when changing diapers. It's like an adventure. Or a video game. You never know when you might get sprayed. :)
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