So, I am a day late for my scrapbook day, but that is ok. No harm done. And believe it or not I did not take any pictures on this day to mark the kiddos and their growth. Oops. Mama failed again, but that is ok as well. We live by grace, not by works or scrapbooks. :) Yesterday was not a fun day so maybe that is why I am procrastinating the post. Miyako has come down with some kind of virus. On Sunday she had a fairly high fever and actually took a nap on the couch in the morning while I was skyping with a friend. The last time she took solid naps was when we were in America and it was due to jet lag. So, I knew she was not feeling well. I went to feel her body and heat was radiating from her. Her temperature was 102.8. We immediately gave her medicine and it came down, hovering between 100-101 all Sunday. When she woke up on Monday, July 11 2011, she still had a slight fever at 99, but felt very genki! She was running around like normal except for some droopy eyes due to being tired. I decided to keep her away from sports class as I thought maybe the heat had something to do with her feeling bad and I did not want her to get overheated. Instead, we went to visit with our Dutch friends and had lunch at their house and came home. Again, she was still feeling fine.
We had a normal afternoon. Nothing big, just stayed home and ate leftovers for dinner...see, not a very fun post huh? Before she went to bed, I took her temperature again and it was 100. We gave her more medicine and sent her to bed. She is not sleeping well and waking up early and often through the night. She typically is a 12 hour sleeper so for her to be up at 6AM is very very unusual. We cancelled our play date for this morning at the fountains at Midtown park because I simply did not want to deal with cranky toddler, hot baby, and hot mama. Also, this morning I noticed Miyako had some spots on her legs. They are not chicken pox as they do not itch, but I was not sure what they were. When I called my friend to cancel the play date, I told her Miyako's symptoms. Her daughter had the exact same thing last week. She started with a fever and then two days later developed this rash. The doctor said it is simply a virus and not much you can do about it. So, it has been kind of blah around here. She feels fine and plays with her toys and such, but you can tell she is tired and a bit run down in her little eyes. They are not as big as normal. In fact, she is actually napping now and like I said, she has not napped in a long time. Both kids actually are sleeping at the same time. Can you hear the angels rejoicing? Kan swears her illness is from the indoor play area we went to at the mall on Saturday. Anytime we go to one of those, she gets some kind of illness, but what can you do? It is too hot to go to a park and be outside in the sun and you do not want to stay home all day. Our kids should have some pretty strong immune systems!
I guess the boring stuff needs to make the scrapbook too huh? Some days are just not that interesting, but that is life. It cannot always be Anpanman museums or Disneyland. :) Kei turned 10 weeks old on the 11th! Hard to believe where the time has gone. He is such a cute little tubbo and is so laid back. He grins a lot and is simply very easy going...must take after his papa. Kan and I feel a bit bad for him as he is often just sitting around while we are off and about taking care of Miyako, working, or doing other things. Every now and then he will just scream out for no reason - I think it is his way of saying "Hey, I am still here. Come talk to me." His sleep is still a bit inconsistent. Boy am I ready for it to be consistent...mainly so I can know if I can get up and exercise before he wakes up without leaving Kan with a hungry baby at 6AM. On Saturday night I fell asleep on the couch and did not wake up until 1AM. I decided not to give him his dream feed and see how long he would sleep. He slept from 8PM to 8AM! So, the next night I decided to try it again and he was up at 4:30 wanting to eat. This morning, he was up at 6:30. I keep reminding myself he is only 10 weeks old. He is doing GREAT! Soon, he will have a normal wake time so I can get back to my own personal routine.
Miyako is doing well. She knows all of her letters thanks to the Letter Factory and She has her good days and bad, like any two year old, and I am trying to be more proactive with her and prepare her for when we go places. For example, "Miyako, we are going to church and there will be other kids there. They may touch you or take a toy you are playing with, but that is ok. The toys are not yours. They belong to the church. And we are to share our toys." If I prepare her a bit more, she seems to be better behaved. She speaks in full sentences and is very very verbal. If she wants something she will ask if you want it. For example, "Mama, do you want some milk?" means "Mama, may I have some milk." She is still crazy about Charlie Brown - in fact we watched the Christmas show today while feeding Kei. And it was 90 degrees out while we watched it. Something is very wrong with that picture. Oh well. She will often be quoting Charlie Brown shows while she plays with her toys. Or you may find her running through the apartment saying, "I'm going to kick that football clear to the moon." Then, she dramatically falls down while she pretends to kick the football and Lucy takes it away (this is from Thanksgiving Charlie Brown - scene 1). She got her first pedicure on Saturday by mama. She loves pink and now has pink toes. She was afraid to take a bath because she did not want her pink toes to go away. She is not going potty anymore like before when we are home. She wants to go in her diaper again. Not quite sure what to do about that. I am afraid I may have lost progress, but am not sure. I am thinking I will just not make a big deal about it and see if she gets interested again. She knows how to go and when she needs to go, but she simply does not want to use it anymore. I am trying to be relaxed about it. When she turns three, if we are still in diapers, I will get a bit more serious about it because I know she KNOWS how to do it. For now, we will sit on it and see what she does with it.
Kan is working hard, as usual, but has a public holiday on Monday so we get a long weekend this weekend. YAY! Miyako loves it when daddy is home. I was refreshed Saturday with two hours at the salon. I got my hair cut and colored and the cut is pretty short. I was tired of wearing a pony tail every single day in this heat so I told her to whack it off for the summer. It is kind of the stack layers in the back and is a cute summer look. I will post a pic sometime when I feel like having myself in the picture. My American mother-in-law just sent me a new book called "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. It is a great read and gets to some core heart issues and beliefs about who we really think God is. I've only read one chapter but I can tell it will be a favorite and will challenge me in many ways.
Like I said, this is the mundane of life. It is not all glamorous, but it is our life and deserves to be in the scrapbook, because it is real life - sick kids, lack of sleep, little time to yourself, and escaping in a good read. :)
You are so right! The normal days are the days that make up our lives, and those are the days that need to be remembered. I love everything about your "boring" post... it is anything BUT boring. It is a window into your life right now... 10 week old sleep, calling out to say, "I'm here!" no potty, great books, haircuts... it is all real life. A delicious one, at that. Savor it, because soon it will all change. :)
Shari, so glad to hear things are going well!! First of all, LOVEAnn Voskamp. You should read her website each day. She usually posts everyday and is amazing! Hope the potty training goes better for you. I have a very strong willed girl and we had a time as well. But, we just did not make a big deal about it, and even though she was over 3, it happened really fast because it was her idea. Best advice I ever got from another mom of a strong willed girl ;) Love you, friend! Hang in there!!!
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