So, I really admire people who scrapbook and do not get behind. The very thought of it overwhelms me. I finished my wedding book, well the showers and wedding but ran out of time to do the honeymoon, about 3 weeks before we had Miyako. My goal is to finish Miyako's first year book before baby #2 arrives. I cannot keep up with every little thing. I have enjoyed doing digital books on my MAC - I have done holiday seasons and vacations on that. I plan to do a 2009 and 2010 book, also digitally, before baby #2 arrives. I knew I needed a new plan of action as I really want to keep things recorded for our family but I know I cannot do it all. Real scrapbookers say, "Don't worry. I am always behind." But to me always being behind is added stress. I need to keep it manageable.
My cyberspace friend M told me about an idea of scrapbooking one day of each month - like for the year 2010 you would do the 10th of each month. This seems very manageable so I decided to try it for 2011. I figure I will update the blog on the 11th of each month with a few current pictures. Then, when I go to make my digital book for 2011, all I have to do is look back at the blog, find my pictures, and there you have it. For special holidays I can add to that month but other than that I can see a bit of our daily life over the course of 2011.
So today is January 11, 2011! Hence the title of the blog post. And we had a fabulous day. Miyako started her Japanese music class. I had considered putting her in Music Together this semester after we had four trial passes given to us by a friend back in November and December. Miyako LOVED it, but I wanted to find something similar in Japanese. A friend of mine told me about these classes nearby our house and we started today. At first Miyako was pretty clingy and wanted to be held, but then she got really involved and thoroughly enjoyed herself. We go three times a month and I think it will be a lot of fun for her. I was impressed with what they were teaching the children in the process of having fun with music. They gave them these cards to wear with different animals on them like an elephant or a mouse. Then they gave them this instrument to play. While they were wearing the elephant card, they were supposed to walk around the room slowly like an elephant and play their instrument for a total of four counts, or a whole note. Each animal represented a different note and taught you the speed of the notes. Now grant it, these are 2 year olds, so they did not always follow the actual count of the music, but it did impress me that they were teaching them this at such a young age.
Miyako loves music. She gets to watch a TV show once a day, twice if I am desperate. Lately her favorite choice is Charlie Brown Christmas. She gets out her piano and plays along with Schroeder. It is rather cute. And she insists I be in the room at the end so I can sing along to the "Charlie Brown Christmas song" otherwise known as "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." She knows all of the words to the first verse of this song and LOVES to sing it. Tonight we sang it all the way home on our walk from a friend's house...
Which moves me on to our next adventure of the day. After Miyako's nap (or lack there of as she is not taking much of a nap lately - she simply lays in her bed, sings to herself and pulls books off her shelves to read to herself) we went to our friends house for tea and fellowship. I love having our Dutch friends so nearby. We visit with them after nap time about once a week or every other week at least. It is always such a breath of fresh air. Miyako enjoys playing with their kids and all of their toys and I simply enjoy the fellowship.
Miyako is talking more and more every day. Kan and I are quite impressed as she puts together sentences. It really is amazing. I am sure other kids her age do this as well, but we just get tickled to hear her talk or sing songs. Anytime we pray, whether at bedtime or at meals, she includes thanking Jesus for, "Nana, Opah, Mommy, Daddy, baby, Grandma, Papaw, Oji-chan, Mommy-chan, Nena, Darlene, baby Jesus, Antonnia, roar, baby Jesus and Antonnia." I am sure the more names she learns the more people we will pray for, but it is rather funny as she does the exact same order every time, and if you do it differently she will start all over again. She will read books to herself and knows the words and order to quite a few. I cannot skip a page with her on a familiar book because she will catch it. I often find her reading "The Very Hungry Caterpillar," "Goodnight Moon," or "Itsy Bitsy Spider" to herself or her babies. She knows Mama is having a baby but I do not think she understands the actual implications of that.
She is also two and thinks the world revolves around her. We live very structured day to day lives with routine which provides her with stability. However, if we try to do something the least bit different, like sing a different song at bedtime, she notices and gets all bent out of shape. She can have a bit of a temper, but what two year old doesn't. And Kan and I are still trying to figure out how best to navigate these "terrible twos." We are reminded daily that she is not our child - she belongs to God - and He can cover over our mistakes. She is not really interested in going potty on the big potty, and that is okay. I got rid of the paci so that is one thing checked off my list. I am in no rush with the potty. In spite of the difficult days we sometimes have with her, she really is a sweet little girl full of personality and a lot of fun to parent.
So, here are my thoughts for 1/11/2011. We have good days and bad days - today was a good day and I love the life God has given me.
Great idea! I am already so thankful that Donny has been blogging Will's journey so faithfully...cause that's what his baby scrapbook will look like...a lot of cutting and pasting from the blog. I guess I can forgive Donny for not ever writing his part in our wedding album since he's the only one contributing to Will's right now. :)
just to let you know there is a service out there that will print your blog in digital book form... blurb is one company that does it and I know there are others.
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