Sunday, January 2, 2011

Bye Bye "Wa"

The "wa" is Miyako's pacifier. She is only allowed to use it at night or for nap time and she has three - a pink one she keeps in her mouth, a blue UK one she holds in one hand and an orange UT one she holds in the other hand. The crazy thing is when she drops one in the middle of the night, even in the pitch dark, she knows if she is missing the blue or orange one. Getting rid of the paci is one transition I have been wanting to tackle but quite honestly a bit afraid of the whole process. I was afraid she would not sleep and she is a very very good sleeper, for the most part. I have some friends who are firm believers at age 2, the paci goes. I have other friends who say as long as it is only for bedtime, give her some time. The pediatrician said by age three you should get rid of it. I was so torn as to what to do. Cutting a hole in it seemed so final and I just did not know what to do. Well, God let it happen for me.

Last night Miyako woke up at 1AM and had thrown up in her bed. This was her first big throw up experience and I am so so thankful for a husband who went immediately to clean it up while I cleaned her up. We immediately got the pacifiers and put them in hot boiling water to cleanse. I cleaned Miyako up and Kan cleaned the bed up. Did I mention I am thankful for him? Just the smell of it was enough to make me sick. I was glad I just had to deal with Miyako. She did not have a temperature and kept saying "bed wet." Poor little thing.

Around 1:30 we were ready to put her back to bed and I was just rocking her and cuddling her. We offered her the clean pacifiers and she sucked on the pink one for a little bit but then put all three of them down. She finally went to bed around 3 and did not use the pacifiers. For whatever reason she did not want them. I am guessing she maybe tried to put it in her mouth after getting sick and it tasted yucky. I put them on top of the fridge and left them there all day today.

We skipped our nap today due to church so come bed time I was a bit anxious to see if she would ask for them or not. She was looking around saying "wa, wa." I told her we were not going to sleep with the wa tonight because I was afraid they made her sick last night and I did not want her getting sick. She was okay with that answer (or lie according to Kan) and went to bed without a peep like normal. I must admit, I hated seeing her get sick in her bed, but I was thankful that it helped me get rid of the pacifier. I would not wish that on anyone, but it was much easier than what I was anticipating. We will see if I am saying the same thing at 3AM tonight but so far so good!

Now it is onto the next transition - we are buying a big girl bed this week! Our little girl is growing up.


Anonymous said...

It is funny how God answers our prayers! Even if it concerns paci's!

Raegan said...

We just did the big boy bed transition this weekend. Started the New Year with a new far so good, although he seems a bit insecure in it when it's dark. Good luck!