The stomach bug that seems to be going around to my friends in the US has made it to Tokyo and made it to our home for a New Year's greeting. It is a shame we ended our great stay-cation on this note, but it was one more thing that forced us to relax which is good for the body and soul, I guess. Miyako had it Saturday night and yes friends, no more paci! She does not even ask for it and I need to get them off the top of the fridge and put them in her keepsake box. She has been waking up some in the middle of the night and not really taking the best of naps - not sure if that is paci related or age related, but either way, we are staying clear of the paci. We never made it to Ikea for her big girl bed as we got really sick, but hopefully it will be a February purchase.
Sunday we were all fine. Monday however I noticed Miyako had dirtier diapers than what is normal for her. I figured she still had a touch of something but she was not running a fever and she was in good spirits. Monday evening we went to do some ski shopping as we are headed for a weekend away on Friday with some friends to a local ski resort. We are hoping this will prepare Miyako for playing in the snow for our February trip to Hokkaido. While we were in the store, my stomach started to turn in knots. As soon as we got home I went to the couch and Kan took over parental duties with Miyako. I did not want to move as anytime I moved, my stomach would rumble more. Sure enough by 11:30 that night I was in the bathroom. Not pretty. The next day I woke up a little bit better but had no energy and was pretty sore and achy. Unfortunately I passed it onto Kan and he was in the bed most of the day. We invested greatly in clear liquids and slowly recovered.
Today I woke up with a lot more energy and disinfected everything. In 90 sq. meters it does not take too long to do that. :) Kan felt good enough to go into the office but is still drinking liquids. I have managed to have toast and chicken noodle soup today so I am definitely on the upswing. I was so disappointed when I got sick. My goal for the New Year was to start back exercising five times a week. When I was pregnant with Miyako I exercises at least 5 sometimes 6 days a week, but this time I have been so tired. It had been three weeks of doing nothing until Monday, my New Year, when I went for a 40 minute run/power walk and felt great. But then I got sick! So, this week it may only be three days but it is better than nothing.
I hope all of you have had a better start to the New Year than we did! We did have a great vacation, staying at home and simply relaxing. Now it is back to normal.
Enjoy the picture of Miyako in her new Christmas outfit from Mommy-chan in Kyoto. I was a bit nervous that it would not fit her as it was 18-24 months, or 90cm, in size, but it fit perfectly and she looked so cute in it.
Glad you're feeling better. Rob was down all weekend with food poisoning too. Started with fever on Friday, and in bed (and on toilet) most of Saturday and Sunday. Shame that he was feeling so poorly for NYE and couldn't spend New Year's (and after) with his dad + fam who were visiting us. I remember having a bad tummy bug when I was about 15 weeks pregnant with Zak, and I was in a bad shape for a whole week!
I'm so thankful that you all are feeling better. It is hard to be sick away from the home you are used to. But like you said, it is MUCH easier to clean and disinfect the smaller home. There is an upside to it all!
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