Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Scrapbook Day February 2013

Scrapbook day on this month fell on a Wednesday. Wednesdays are full days for us. We have BSF in the morning but with the commute we are gone from 8:30-1:00/1:30. At 2, Miss M has Japanese lesson. I usually relax with a good book while the K Man naps, or if he already napped on the way home, we head to the grocery store. On this particular Wednesday, it was really cold, so I opted to go to the grocery without the kids while they were taken care of. After Japanese, we put on pjs and played and enjoyed dinner and reading books. Miss M is doing fabulous in her Japanese lessons. I am really impressed with both her and the teacher. She is also showing interest in writing. The other day she brought me a note. She had written her name, dear, and mama on a paper. It was not perfect, but she is four. I was just thrilled to see her show interest in this because it was the first time. In the back of my mind I felt this underlying pressure - that she should be reading, sounding out letters, writing letters, and since she is not in preschool then she is going to be behind in these things. At the same time, we are having so much fun just playing, that I do not want to rush "school" for her. So, to see her pursue some of it on her own, warmed my heart. Now, I probably need to start working on it more with her, when we are not playing. She loves to play. That is all she wants to do. And it is fun to do it with her, on most days. :) The K Man is going to be 2 in May...time is flying. He is so funny. He is talking a lot more. He repeats everything and he loves to sing. He can actually hum a pretty good tune and some of his favorite songs are "Jesus Loves Me," "Jesus Loves the Little Children," and "God is So Good." It is fun to watch the two of them play together these days. One of their favorite things to play is "Hide and Seek." It is fun to watch the K Man play this and try to count in Japanese or play it in Japanese. We are busy. We have a lot going on and the weeks seem to go by fast. I like that. But I have to be careful not to get too busy...my kids can tire easily and so can I, which means I am not a good mama. The husband is busy, as usual, with work, but I am so happy for him because this weekend he is going away on a guys ski trip. He needs it - a weekend for himself to have fun and enjoy himself on the slopes. Of course the wife of the friend he is going with is a good friend of mine - we found sitters to go out and have dinner. At dinner, we are going to plan our girls weekend to Seoul...not sure who got the better end of the deal. All of that to say, this is what is going on in our February 2013...living one day at a time...with purpose...being intentional...or trying to at least.

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