Monday, May 27, 2013

Scrapbook Day May 2013

May 13th fell on a Monday this year. Right now, our Mondays are somewhat flexible in the morning and pretty packed in the afternoon. We have been invited to a play group on Mondays but we do not always go. We go when we have the energy. If we do not have the energy we stay close to home. On Monday May 13th we had a little energy day, so we met a friend for a picnic at a local park in the morning. We came home and the K Man took a nap while Miss M had her Japanese lesson. Each week her Japanese teacher is so impressed with her skills. She is working on a book right now for 6/7 year olds in Japanese and she is learning to read katakana now. Her hiragana is pretty good and she can read books in Japanese with her teacher. We are so proud of her and hope she can keep it up no matter where we go with our family. After Japanese, Miss M and I worked on a craft and then we headed to ballet. Miss M loves ballet. She has made a little friend in the class who also goes to her sports class on Thursdays and really enjoys herself. She looks so cute in her outfit. I finally got the K Man into the doctor last week for his check up. He is a whopping 33 pounds. I imagine he will pass Miss M in weight soon as the last time I had her weighed at the doctor she was 36.5 pounds. He is 34.5 inches tall. The doctor said he could be up to 6 feet tall when he is full grown. I kind of laughed, behind her back. Seriously y'all...I know they like to do those predictions at age 2, but both my husband and I are 5.5inches tall. I do not think the K Man will be 6 feet tall. My Grandpa on my mom's side was tall, but he was also super thin, and the K Man definitely does not have that in him, so I think 6 feet is pushing it. But we will see. I have not blogged much this month. Feel kind of bad about that as this is really for me and a scrapbook for my family. But I have not had the energy and we are just busy. I have so many thoughts swirling in my head. But for now, they will remain in my head. Enjoy the pics of the K Man and Miss M playing dress up. Even though the K Man got boy dress up clothes for his birthday like a fireman hat and a construction worker helmet with a cool light, he still wants to wear the purple and light blue skirt. Love this sweet boy, skirts and all.

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