Wednesday, February 19, 2014

February 14, 2014, Scrapbook Day and Valentine's Day all in one

So, Scrapbook day this month fell on Valentine's fun! The husband was actually supposed to go out on the town this night with some friends in from Oz, but a snow storm kept him home. Since it was Friday, we started our morning with the K Man's music class and Miss M's Japanese class. Then we joined some friends for lunch at one of our favorite bakeries. We came home for some hot cocoa and to warm up before our next adventure to Miss M's swim lesson. Thankfully daddy worked from home so the K Man could nap while Miss M and I went to swimming. We walked about halfway and then she asked for a taxi. I cannot say I blamed her. The snow was coming down pretty hard and it was a wet rain/snow. We came home from swimming, had nice long warm baths, and enjoyed some leftovers. Nothing fancy. I was not expecting daddy to be home so I had not prepared much. The night before we had a pizza Valentine party with some friends from church. The mamas chatted while the kids watched Charlie Brown's Valentine special and played. The K Man and daddy brought flowers home for Miss M and I. Overall, it was a pretty nice Friday and a pleasant surprise to have daddy home due to the snow. 

Miss M recently has been interested in helping wash dishes and I have let her. She does a pretty good job and since I do not have a dish washer, it helps mama out. She only does plastic plates and cups, but it is fun for her. The K Man wants to do it as well so we let him think he is washing dishes without turning on the water. That would be a disaster. 

Last night the husband and I had the pleasure to see Eric Clapton in concert. I had gotten tickets for us for Christmas and the show was last night. It was a great show; it is hard to believe he is nearly 70 years old. What I loved about his performance is that he made it look so smooth and effortless. It was as if he was alone with his music rather than thousands of people listening to him. He was lost in his music and he truly is an amazing guitarist. We have gotten to see some pretty great shows here - James Taylor, Nora Jones, Aerosmith, and now Eric Clapton. With the exception of Aerosmith, the people attending have always stayed in their seats. These concerts are the most civilized concerts you will ever attend. They always start exactly at 7PM and end exactly at 9PM. Last night, everyone stayed in their seats until the last song...they stood up and danced and sang to "Cocaine." We got a good kick out of that. 

We have had more snow than usual. I know it is nothing compared to what people are getting back where we are from in the US, but for us, it has been more than usual. However, I know spring is just around the corner and we will be able to enjoy picnics and sakura. The kids have loved playing in the snow which is fun for daddy since he loves snow too. Mama enjoys the hot cocoa when we come back inside! Enjoy some recent pictures of the kids and Happy Belated Valentine's Day!

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