Wednesday, December 10, 2014


There will be no pics on this post, just some thoughts...

God made us for community, to share lives with others and to help others. This week, this truth has been so apparent to me. On three different occassions this week someone has helped me regarding the kids. On Monday, a friend watched them (she even picked Miss M up from sports class after playing with the K Man at the park, took them home, played and fed them dinner) while I got a jump start on Christmas shopping and enjoyed a gingerbread latte with my advent book at Starbucks. This was much needed as Monday had been a rough day. I blame the pregnancy hormones. Whatever it was, a little respite and time away encouraged this mama deeply. And I needed it because the K Man was up most of the night Monday with a horrible cough which meant little sleep for Mama. I could not get him into the doctor until 4PM on Tuesday and did not want to take Miss M. Our friends who come play on Tuesdays offered to have Miss M come to their apartment instead. It was such a blessing. She had fun and I only had to travel with one child on the bike to the doctor. I have longed for this y' have a neighborhood type feel in our 50 floor high building....for Miss M to have a friends' apartment she can go to and just play. Blessed. We stayed home from BSF Wednesday to ensure the K Man did not spread his germs to other children. We did well staying indoors and did some Christmas crafts, including our gingerbread houses. Today, Thursday, is the K Man's sports class day. Although he feels fine, he is still coughing so we thought it best to keep him from running around and continue to heal his congestion. But poor Miss M - she needed to get outside. So what happened? A friend offered to take her to a nearby climbing gym while her child is in school. She chose to play with Miss M when she could have had a free afternoon! I am blessed. Not only did Miss M get out of the apartment, run some energy and have a good time speaking Japanese the entire time, I got to cuddle with the K Man and read books, a rare occurance with two of them home most of the time. 

We are made to live in community. It takes a village. Sometimes you have to ask for help, which I did today. Sometimes people simply offer and you need to be willing to accept the offer. I have been on the receiving end so much this week and it makes me want to give back to others in return - whether that is offering an encouraging text message, making someone some brownies, or offering to have their kids over so they can get something done. When God has given us so much, don't you want to give back? It is beautiful, and I am thankful God showed me this today. Think about a way you can encourage someone may never know what they are going through, but a small break from the kids may just really help that weary mother, or that simple text message of encouragement may just help them to persevere through the day. Give back, because we have been given so much. 

1 comment:

Hunca Munca said...

AMEN Shari! So glad you are part of a community. It's so important. Hope everyone feels better soon.