Friday, March 27, 2015

J Man is 4 weeks old!

How can the J Man be four weeks old already? In some ways I feel like he should be a year old. He is the sweetest most laid back baby by far. His only fussy time is between 8-11PM and even then he is not that fussy...he just wants to be held and hang out with mama and daddy while we watch The Good Wife on Hulu. He eats, sleeps, and poos and simply goes with the flow of our family. His brother and sister love him to pieces, for the most part, and just today I saw his big brother give him a sweet kiss on the head. I do not have a lot of pictures documented from the birth so this post is mostly going to be pictures from our hospital stay. He goes for his first round of immunizations on Tuesday. As for mama, I am getting stronger and better each day. It helps that the sun is shining, sakura are about to bloom, and spring is in the air. I am doing a little bit more each day and have had the chance to take the big kids outside while daddy or our helper stay with J, so that has been fun for me and for them. I am hoping to make it to church for Palm Sunday as Miss M wants me to see her sing with the Grace kids. I probably will only stay for the worship part, but it is so cute to see her so excited about this event that I really do not want to miss it. We have had loads of fellowship with people bringing us meals which has been so nice. Four weeks old, baby J...and you have even given me 6 hours of sleep at times through the night. Keep it up sweet boy. We love you to the moon and back.

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