Sunday, May 10, 2015

Family Bike Ride/Mother's Day

On Wednesday of this past week, we stayed local after having so many activities on Monday and Tuesday. We took a family bike ride to the local mall, bought the kids some summer clothes, and enjoyed an ice cream with a friend who was also at the mall. I am riding the bike now, very Japanese style, with J Man in the baby carrier while the K Man is in the back seat. When J can sit up then he can ride in the front seat, so hopefully by 6 or 7 months old. It really helps that Miss M can ride her own bike now.

Today was Mother's Day. I was able to get out of the house for a 4 mile run. It felt great to be back on the road, running my Sumida River route, and listening to some good tunes. I can just zone out when running and it is so nice. I love running along the river. I am so thankful we live in such a beautiful part of this city. The husband took the big kids out to lunch while I stayed in and worked on some BSF while the baby napped. Just that little bit of time in the Word was so rejuvenating. We enjoyed church this afternoon and dinner tonight at the local Denny's. I got some beautiful flowers and sweet cards from the family. I love my people to the moon and back. Even when it is stressful with three littles, I would not want to change anything about my life, our family, or our circumstances. They are such sweet gifts the Lord has given to me and I pray I can be a good steward in training them unto Him and loving them well. 

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