Friday, October 16, 2015

Scrapbook day October 15, 2015

Scrapbook day fell on a Thursday this month. On this particular day I got to watch the K Man eat his bento lunch at school. It was quite cute. They wash their hands and gargle with water before eating. Then they sit down and set up their bento box. The teacher pours them their tea and they wait until everyone is ready. They all say "Itadakimasu" which translates "Thank you for this food." Then they eat. He has made a lot of buddies at the youchien and it is neat to see his personality come out with his friends. On this day, miss m and I did homeschool. Once we picked up the K man we headed to sports class for K. Then I dropped miss M off for art class. We found a great art class in our neighborhood. This particular day they took a walk around the area and drew sketches of the art they observed. She noticed a crane on a statue and was the only one to add the bird to her drawing of the statue. While she was in art class, I took the K man to a local park while waited on her. It is nice to have some time with just him for a bit. The J man just tags along in the ergo. We do not get home until 5:15 on Thursdays so it is often leftovers for dinner, baths and then bed. The j man is starting to sit up on his own and move around, putting everything in his mouth. It is time to baby proof. Just the other day he choked on a piece of tape he put in his mouth from the floor! Overall our Thursday for scrapbook day was a busy day but a good day. Just reading everything we did makes me tired. Here are some recent pics of the kids to see how they are growing. The silly pictures were from the kids taking their own photos with the iPad. The artwork is the K Man's art work hanging in our local train station at Tsukishima station. The other pictures are random fun pictures from the last couple of weeks.

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