Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Undokai October 17, 2015

On October 17th we celebrated the K Man's undokai at youchien. Undokai is the sports festival and is a HUGE deal for Japanese school children. Mothers rise at 4AM to prepare beautiful bentos to be shared with the family at the event, and many members of your family attend to watch the children display their sports talents. This year, rain caused our undokai to be held indoors. They did most of the events, except the race, which the K Man was most excited about. For weeks leading up to undokai he would make me ask the lady at the door greeting us each morning if they were going to practice running that day. If she said yes, he would excitedly run into youchien without looking back. In a sense, I am glad the rain came. It meant I did not have to prepare bentos as we finished at 11:30, and the K Man was finished at 10:30. I am not sure how he would have handled it outside going from 8:45-1:30. They made up the outdoor activities on the following Tuesday at school and parents could come watch. He loved the race part, and finished second, out of three kids at a time. :)At one point during the indoor festivities, the parents were supposed to do something with the children. We originally sent daddy because it involved lifting the child and mama did not understand the instructions. You can see in the photos, the K Man did not want daddy so mama and daddy switched.

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