Thursday, February 11, 2010

Our First Taste of America

Today was a holiday for Japan so Kan was off work. However, we had a not so fun day. We went apartment hunting again. Today we saw about 8 more apartments, none of which caught our eye or felt like "the one." It was rather discouraging as we thought by now we would have found at least one apartment that had potential. They all have potential I should say, but none of them have screamed at us "Take me. I am your new home." Plus, it was cold and rainy outside so it was not fun walking around or getting in and out of the car in the cold. I think total we have seen about 15 apartments. You would think out of all of these, one of them we would have some excitement about. The ones that have potential are a little bit above our price range so we are trying to figure out what to do. It would not be a problem if they included utilities, but on top of utilities you have to pay a monthly maintenance fee that is not cheap, a large deposit that I have read you rarely get much back, and key money up front which can be up to $2000. At one point I had tears in my eyes and told Kan I will never complain about the size of a kitchen pantry in the US ever again! He said he would hold me to it when we move back in a few years. Some of the kitchens we saw did not have a pantry at all. :) Plus, after seeing so many, they all start to look the same and that is when we knew it was time to call it quits for the day.

So, how after such a long day are we going to bed with hope...we went to McD's for dinner! As we were riding back to our temporary home on the metro Kan looked at me and said, "You know what I am craving?" I responded with, "What? Wah Mei?" (Wah Mei was our Chinese take out from our old neighborhood that we ate at almost every weekend and was within walking distance to our home, next door to our movie rental shop.) He said, "No, not Wah Mei. McD's." So, within four days of being here, we have already spent a large sum of money ($20) for a little taste of home. The only downfall is they did not have diet coke in their fountain drink selection, just coke zero. But, it did cure all things and as we sat at our little table munching on our french fries discussing our apartment options, we realized Saturday and Sunday are just around the corner and we are going to see more apartments. Hopefully by the weekend, something will have come up for us.

On a serious note, we know and trust God will lead us to the perfect place for us where we can have an impact on those around us. We are confident He wants us here in Tokyo so we will trust Him to provide the perfect home for us, pantry or no pantry. Our hope is not in McD's, but in the One who is able to do immeasurably more than what we can ask or imagine. However, He can use The Golden Arches to cure a little apartment hunting blues.


Karen said...

Aw, sad that you haven't found one yet, but at least there are apartments open! Did you look at the one you were talking about when you were packing? And will be praying you find one with a pantry - I know you need it for all your American goodies! :)

mel said...

I forgot to mention in your email to check out Shinagawa. There is a revival of the area and a new train line coming in there. Regardless, your spirit is awesome and you are right, the perfect place will come to you. It may not seem so perfect at first, but give it time and you'll find your groove. It's the hearts that make the "home" anyway. xoxo