Thursday, May 20, 2010

Art Exhibit

So, back in Lexington, Kentucky you do not have too many opportunities to attend a contemporary art exhibit. However, in Tokyo, there are lots of options to explore art, music, ballet,, I took advantage today. We normally have our Friday Play group but so many people were out of town or had kiddos with coughs, there was only two of us. We decided to check out a free art exhibit in the Ginza area. It was small, but pretty cool and all of the pieces were contemporary art pieces by Japanese artists. For those of you in Tokyo, it goes on until June 13th so ask me for details if you want to check it out. My favorite exhibit was the one with about 10 shiny red high heels. I did not take any pictures as I did not think it would be appropriate. But having the chance to do these kinds of things makes living here very fun. Plus it is not often you come across something free! I feel like our family is being exposed to a whole new world living in such an international city. The art exhibit said it opened at 11:30 but we got there at 11. Instead of standing in the blazing sun, my friend and I took the kiddos to Starbucks for lunch and a frappacino. It was my first one here in Tokyo and tasted heavenly on such a hot day. They may have to become a weekly treat in the summer time if my food budget allows for it.

Well, we are headed to Kyoto this weekend to see the grandparents. We will post pictures soon with Oji-chan and Oba-chan.


Hunca Munca said...

Yay for free art! How much is a Starbucks frappucino in Tokyo? I think I might budget for that! Love you!

Andrea Deweese said...

I wish I could just "pop" over there and see it too! It's so cool that you have this unique opportunity to explore a new culture. What a cool Big City experience!!

mel said...

There are so many historical and lovely places to go to in Kyoto. Are you getting to see any when you visit? Even just one?