Sunday, May 2, 2010

A First for Me

Today I had a "first." Miyako and I rode the bus without Kan to church this afternoon. I was a bit hesitant with the stroller and all, picking it up, and getting on the bus, but WE DID IT! Thankfully the bus that came was the handicap bus so it only had one step to get up. I was very proud of myself, so much so I decided to post it on the blog. Problem was due to the holidays this week, there was lots of traffic. The bus was late (a major problem when public transportation is late in Japan) and due to the bad traffic, it took forever to get to our stop, which is only 4 or 5 stops from our apartment. So, we were a bit late to church and we opted to walk home instead of sitting in the bus and traffic. Turns out as we were walking home, we saw bus 10 come along - we got there about the same time as the bus we would have taken home did. It was beautiful out and we enjoyed the walk.

I also am super proud of Miyako. She is signing!! I started signing to Miyako at an early age, but to be honest, I was not consistent and stopped. I figured she would start talking soon enough. About 2 weeks ago I decided to try it again. She picked it up very quickly. She can sign "please," "more," "thank you," and "all done." This is about the extent of what I plan to teach her. I really wanted her to learn "please" and "thank you" so she could learn some manners. The problem is she thinks every time she says "please" she can get what she wants. She has a hard time understanding she cannot eat 100 raisins in one sitting! She would if I would let her. :) She also uses "please" while we are playing and I sometimes do not know what she is asking for. But nonetheless, I am thrilled she is signing a little bit.

Golden Week starts tomorrow. May 3rd is Constitution Day and it recognizes the most recent Constitution for Japan established in 1947. We are thrilled about having Kan off work for a few days. And to all you Kentucky readers, Kan and I watched the Derby today. I teared up listening to the National Anthem and My Old Kentucky Home. And I was really disappointed in my bet. I normally always bet my birthday exact, which is 4-2, but this year I decided to use my child's birthday and bet 11-3. Who won this year? 4-2! And how much did it pay - $150 for a two dollar bet.

Well, Miyako is on the balcony so I better run!! AGH! No worries. Kan is with her. But he wants to eat so I need to go.


mel said...

First, thought of you while we watched the Derby and Super Saver win...Second, so proud of you for taking the bus. I never did unless it was to and from Narita... Third, Miss N also thinks if she adds a "please" to her request she should get what she wants. I tell her, "Thank you for saying 'Please.' It makes me very happy, but right now you cannot have/do that, even though you said please." Fourth, I LOVE reading your blog. Thank you for letting us share this experience with you!

Julie said...

I tried baby signs early on, too. One of my friend's daughters (same age as JI) "got it" MUCH sooner than he did. I was discouraged so I stopped. When he was about 11 months old, I introduced them again (basically the same ones that Miyako knows). They are a life saver! That's all he learned but it was enough to get us through so much frustration until he was able to talk.