Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Visit to the ER

I just got back in from my run this morning and after experiencing the heat, I think I could have gone to the ER. But no, we had to take Miyako yesterday. Grandma and Nana - she is FINE!! Just thought I would preface that up front. Yesterday Miyako wanted to play this game where she lays on the ground in front of the couch and I would pull her up by her hands as she climbs up with her feet. Then we would go into a tickle war. She kept saying "more, more" as she loves being tickled and she thought it was fun coming up the couch with her feet. I thought to myself "tickle wars are fine but I should not be pulling her up the couch." However, rather than listening to the responsible instinct, I could not resist her cute little face when she asked for more. Well, on the LAST time I heard this pop, then instead of laughing for the tickle war she was crying in lots of pain. Her arm went limp and I knew she had popped something or dislocated something. Thankfully this happened BEFORE Kan leaves for the US on Wednesday. We called Miyako's primary care doctor and he said to take her to the hospital, which thankfully the closest one is only about 5 minutes away via cab.

As we waited for the doctor she was in decent spirits, enjoying her pacifiers for the special occasion, and reading books in my lap. However, she could not use her left arm. She would not even hold her extra paci in that hand. The doctor finally saw us and as he tried to touch it she just screamed in pain and said "bye bye, all done, bye bye." He sent us to get x-rays. She was not a big fan of the x-rays either. They laid her on this hospital bed and held her down while this big machine came down from the ceiling to take the picture of her arm. She was flailing her arms around and screaming "Mama, Dada, all done, bye bye." Yes Miyako, we understand you want to go bye bye but we cannot do that right now.

After the x-ray we went back to the waiting room to wait for the results. Miyako was miraculously back to her self. She was using both arms just fine, running around like nothing had happened. The doctor came to show us the results which did show slight movement in her shoulder, but it was not completely dislocated. When he saw her using both arms just fine, he was a bit perplexed. We decided between all of her flailing of her arms during the x-ray, she fixed herself. They took another x-ray, which of course she hated, just to confirm she was okay, and everything was perfect! Her left arm looked just like her right arm.

So, I have documented our first little scare with Priss Pooh. As you can imagine we were all pretty exhausted after our adventure so we came home, ate a late lunch, and took two hour naps. I am so grateful it was nothing too serious. The doctor said this happens a lot. I am grateful she fixed her arm herself rather than having the doctor have to do it or be put in a small sling. And I am really glad Kan was home for this adventure.


mel said...

O.M.G. I am so glad Kan was available to go with you. I cannot imagine. I am so glad that everything was okay.

Dana Woods Poynter said...

Shari I had a little cousin who dislocated his shoulder all the time as a toddler - he even learned what to do to put it back in himself - LOL. The first time happened similar to Miyako's first time. He's 18 years old now and grew out of it before he started school :-) So glad it was nothing serious!