Wednesday, December 16, 2015

J Man - 9 months

The J Man is nine months old now. Seriously how did this happen? The other day I had the chance to take just him out to get his flu shot. I attempted a selfie on our train route. He is into everything now and crawling everywhere. He loves to watch his big brother and big sister and they can make him laugh. His laugh is adorable. He is our smallest kid - 5th percentile for weight right now and 20th for height. He loves picking up everything off the floor and putting it into his mouth. I am constantly checking his  mouth to make sure there is not a tiny lego in it or some random rubberband or piece of tape. Some say he looks the most American and some say he looks the most Japanese of our three kids, so I guess that is good that he looks like us! He gets ignored often but that will often make him tougher - life of the third child. I cannot wait to see what his little personality will turn out to be. I also took some random pics of the beautiful fall colors walking to the station as I went out with him on this morning. I love that it is December and we are still enjoying the beautiful fall colors. 

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