Sunday, November 21, 2010

Grace City Church Tokyo

Today we became "temporary" members of Grace City Church Tokyo. We did not give up our membership to TCPC in Lexington, Kentucky, but we did temporarily commit to our church here and pledge our desire to serve this community and allow this community and their staff to shepherd us while we are in Tokyo for however long that may be.

I admit, it was a bit strange in a good way becoming "members" of GCCT. (What is it by the way with PCA or PCJ churches and these initials - TCPC, GCCT - I get all my letters confused?!) It was a reminder to me of committing to life here. We have been gone now for 9 months and slowly Tokyo is becoming "home." Before we became members, we met with our pastor and a staff member from the church. I shared with them how hard it has been to live here - just feeling like you are part of two worlds and not feeling like you belong in either one and the nature of the language difficulties can really discourage you. Living in Tokyo brings very high highs (aka, vacation in Singapore and Malaysia or just running around the big city with all the lights) and very low lows (have yet to see one nativity scene here, long long work hours for Kan, carrying the stroller up and down steps in the subway). I shared this with our pastoral staff and how I longed for the joy of Christ to set me free so I can truly enjoy being here. I know when God brings about the time for us to return to the US, I will be sad, so I want to make the most of this opportunity. But something kept holding me back. This may sound odd since my blog posts typically are upbeat and show the fun side of life in Tokyo. But I am human, Kan and I are human, and we have days wondering "Lord, why on earth did you bring us here? What is it you want to do in us and through us so that you can be glorified here in Tokyo?"

As I thought about today and committing myself to this body of Christ in Tokyo, I was reminded that God wants us here at this time. Through BSF we are learning in Isaiah about just how sovereign our Holy Lord is. He knew long ago that Kan and I would move our family here. He knew it would be hard and we would have those days where you question everything. He knew it would strengthen our marriage and make us more dependent on each other, make us a stronger family unit. He knew those days long ago where we would really miss Saturday GAME DAY and having two TV's running with different ball games on all day long. But God is so good. He is providing for us a community where we can worship Him and serve Him in a country where .22% of the population claim to be evangelical Christians. He is graciously taking care of us here. And He is slowly restoring to me the joy He intends for me to live with through His Son.

I see it in little steps. Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. I do think about sometimes what we would be doing if we were home. Would we go hand in hand to Neyland Stadium this coming Saturday with me in my big blue and Kan in his big orange? HA, probably not, hand in hand anyways! But I am excited to cook Thanksgiving, or attempt to cook it, on Saturday and spend it with new friends we met from California. I got to talk today to my high school friends. They were all at home enjoying our annual holiday party. I thought I would be really down after getting off the phone with them. I wasn't. Kan and I were heading to brunch with some new friends we met from Australia and England. Does this mean I do not miss them? NO! Not at all. But I think what it means is that God is giving me a healthy perspective in being here and making a life here. I cannot live in two worlds. Do I forget about my world in the US? No. But I do commit to my life here and what God has for me. I am sure this week I will have a day where I will have to re-read this post to remind me of what God is doing in my heart in regards to being in Tokyo! But He is faithful, good and completely in control of this, and in these truths I can rest and find my joy.

It has been a true blessing to be a part of GCCT. I do not think we would have made it this long in Tokyo without our church community. Both Kan and I attend weekly community groups, Kan is helping serve the church by being part of the translation team, and I am helping our missionary friend with the womens' ministry. It is a small church, a church plant through Redeemer Presbyterian Church out of NYC, but it is a growing church. In a city where pressure is high and stress deteriorates the lives of the people, GCCT is providing a community of grace and freedom for people to come and truly relax and be themselves. I praise God for providing us this type of place to worship at and find community.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you have found a church in Tokyo to be a part of. I think being a part of a community helps you settle in a new environment much easier. I still have yet to find a church in HK...


ashley said...


I felt so blessed by your post. I am so glad that I know I about it so I can catch up with you. You have such a wonderful outlook on this "place in time" in your life. I love your courage! Ashley Atnip