Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I feel the shakes...

So, ever since the earthquake, I often feel like we are "shaking." This usually happens when I have fallen asleep on the couch watching, you guessed it - Seinfeld, and I sit up and say to Kan, "Are we shaking?" He shakes his head, says no, and points to his brain letting me know he thinks it is all in my head. :) I respond with, "Are you sure?" And he says, "yes I am sure - look at the string hanging from the ceiling light - it is not moving. That is how you know if we are having an earthquake." He is usually right - the string is still - and I get up, feed Kei in my sleep and head to bed.

Well, Sunday night I woke up at 4AM because I thought we were "shaking." But in my delirious state, I told myself it was all in my mind, and I went back to sleep. Monday morning I asked Kan if he felt anything and he said no. I then went to Miyako's sports class. The teacher knows we live on the 48th floor and she asked me if I felt the earthquake last night. HA - I knew it. Sure enough it was at 4AM and was a level 6 up north. I am not sure what it was in Tokyo. We do still have small earthquakes, but hopefully nothing ever as bad as what we experienced on March 11th. All of this to say, Kan, it is not always in my mind. :) Although, 90 percent of the time I think it is.


Jennifer said...

I think women are more sensitive to those sorts of things anyway. Kei is adorable, I just want to pinch those sweet cheeks ! ( Isn't that what pseudo-aunts do?) Love and miss you all. -Jen

mel said...

I would listen for the wallpaper cracking. The first one I felt was at a hotel when we were house hunting - Aaron's watch was rocking back and forth on the table. Water in a glass is another good indicator... ahh, the days of always wondering if it's vertigo or real... ;)